Blog 3-May,2018
☺☺ Did you have an opportunity to listen to Rita Pierson on You Tube in the last Blog? This is not her only video, but it is one of my favorite. Unfortunately, she died in 2013. It was sad for me as I feel she had wisdom that she had not yet shared. I encourage you to look up her other videos and watch them. She was an inspiring woman who combined wisdom and humor. You won't be disappointed. Remember, we are discussing building self-confidence in our students. Albert Bandura referred to it as self-efficacy. Rita said it so well when she asks, "Do you think you will like all your kids? Of course not!!!! But they can never know it." Think about all the kids who say they "can't do it". Think back to a time when you were unsure of yourself. When you were afraid to try something new: maybe tackle a project, take a test, enter a competition. Who inspired you with the confidence to move forward? And if you didn't know how to move fo